Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,142
Vol. 1 was more than an action movie, but most of that came from style, etc. rather than from plot. Vol 2 had so much more going for it. I cannot stress enough how great some of the monologues were...Darryl Hannah's was just gargantuan in its awesomeness. Huh... I so rarely get to use that word in a sentence.
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
''Gay people are fags'' -Atlantaski
''dude i am literat i just cant spell worth shit u got prob with it bitch'' -Bridgerbowlskier
''Gay marriages are gay.'' -SUpilot
'if it werent for women, i wouldnt have to wear condoms' -Hucksterjibber