I'm writing this on behalf of my friend, who knows the event coordinator at Sitka.
Basically, the good people at Sitka are starting up a sponsor me skate contest with some pretty wicked prizes and they need to get the word out.
The premise is a simple as it gets: go out and shoot yourself a nice little edit (1-3 minutes long) and then upload it to sitka's facebook page:
http://www.facebook.com/sitkasurfboards?v=app_4949752878&ref=ts . If you have any more questions, you can check out their website, sitka.ca or email them at info@sitka surfboards.com
There will be feedback on the edits on their facebook page and then the final decision will be made by the sitka crew themselves. The winner will get a free year's sponsorship for clothing and decks from sitka.
They're trying to get the word out to as many people as possible, so tell your friends or shout it from your rooftop or something. my buddy and possibly me will be putting up flyers and posters etc. around town and anyone who would be willing to do the same on the north shore for example, or just in your local shop, would be doing these guys a big favor.
the contest closes July 15th so get out there and skate.
PM me with questions if you have any and hopefully I can answer them.