NS, I love this site. It is a great way to connect with people sharing the thing we all love most: skiing. With more than 100,000 members on the site, we also have the opportunity to change the world around us.
We do it all the time: swaying contests, making threads about skiers we support, hyping up sick edits or discussing the progression of the sport. Our focus on style and creativity has helped create events like JOSS, and helped kids like Tom Wallisch have the support to become super pros.
this snow for innocents thing is right up our alley: we have an NS member (I assume) trying to change the world for the better by doing the thing he loves most: skiing! That should strike at the very core of what we are all about. The guy is using skiing to make life better for others who aren't lucky enough to live like us.
We should support this guy. Just imagine, if everyone donated 20 dollars to the cause, assuming 100,000 donations, we would raise 2 MILLION dollars for the people in Uganda. That's a big impact.
So Mods and members, lets rally behind this. Lets make it easy to donate to the cause for the site members. and who knows? maybe an NS flag at the top of the mountain would be most appropriate!
Who's with me?