pot is illegal because it alters your state, tobacco does not. alcohol can be tested immediately to see if you're drunk just by exhaling. to test positive for marijuana you need to do a blood test which takes time and costs money. i think that's simple enough to keep it illegal. i don't care really if people want to use drugs or whatever, the problem is containment. it's hard because there's always at least one person who abuses everything and ruins the fun for everyone else. and that percentage is way to high for any government to want to risk lives and taxes on even if it were 5%. that is why drinking and driving is illegal.
tobacco used to be glorified in all advertisements until about the later 1980s or early 1990s when the health craze/trend started. richard simmons, jenny craig, leg warmers and head bands, aerobics. all that stuff became popular then, and advertising smoking became illegal or discouraged in places.(i'm not sure on the exact rules behind it.) and then, we found out of the poisons and toxins in tobacco, and all the negative health risks as well. tobacco sold 100 years ago was probably a lot healthier than it is right now.
yes most teens smoke because their peers do it, or because they were pressured, or because it was what the older cool kids too. it's really easy to disregard that children actually do mimmic adults. m parents are smokers, and i used to pretend i was smoking all the time when i was a kid and i thought likely that i was sexier or more sophisticated because a lot of that was representation i got through tv and cinema. smoking and drinking and dressing premiscuously or growing your first beard and whatever guys do, swear and fight, makes you feel more adult, when in fact, i've learned now as an adult, that i look at these kids and think of what a fucking loser i was trying to impress people twice my age.
cool kids are the kids who are carefree, laugh all the time and are super down to earth, not the kids in real life and on this site who push people around, and try to act tough and tell people off to impress their friends. just be yourself and people will like you for who you are. all that cheesy shit is true. but you know, i gotta admit, if you all stopped being wankers, klazo and others would have no one to troll.
besides, smokings expensive as shit. you look at spending like 10$-50$ a week, depending on where you live and what the extent of your habit is. add that up annually, and that's a down payment on a sick car or something like a wii.