Replying to So check out this bit of a tale...its a long one
so here it goes...
i kinda start seeing this girl. she seems cool. not the purdiest thing i lay my eyes on but she definitely struck my fancy with the way she acted. i liked her.
the story
it all starts on a dreadful cinco de mayo night. this girl lives a few hours away. and im drunk. been playing this game called strat. she gave me an el call on the telephono saying she wants to come see me. rad, im drunk figure get this girl im kinda vibing on to come see me. 1030 rolls around. she shows up. we talk for awhile. im drunker. she doesnt drink a drop. lights go out. grown up things happen that are illegal in certain states like utah and probably some states that are down south too. she says she has to drive back at 430am to a city thats like 4 hours away to get to her parents 30 or so odd anniversary party. sounds legit. i give her a kiss walk her to her car and say call me when you get there.
930 am. i wake up. 1 missed phone call at 0500. message says hey lets go to breakfast before i leave. i was already passed out. My phone then dies. I drive back to my place. plug my phone in and shoot her a text "hey, sorry i missed your call, passed out lol" or something close to that. response i get "hey this is so and so, she got in an accident this morning, 40% percent chance of survival, pray for her." im like wtf. this is a shitty joke. i say "this isnt funny if it is a joke. and who is this." response... this is uncle so and so. shes in surgery. update later.(on her phone) well spark notes. 2 surgeries. shes in stable condition right. uncle says she has a ruptured liver, spleen, collapsed lung, laceration on the chin thats gigantic trucked rolled like 4 times off the road. im like holy fuck. (how did he get her phone?)
lemme speed it up. i say i want to send flowers...response too much stuff here already sent from friends. send it to her parents house. (okay, weird but understandable,whatever.) coma for six days. wakes up and is outta the hospital in three days. last i checked, coma with possible traumatic brain injury with a collapsed lung(takes at least 3 days for full recovery with a positive ventilation pressure machine) ruptured vital organs wont get out of the hospital in three days. im not doubting yet, i felt like it was all my fault.
shes home. saying how shes gonna live life. randomly texts me one night, "babe, i cant breath" im like yo dont text me then, you need to call for help. im 4.5 hours away. get ahold of someone who can help. in my head im thinking relapse of collapsed lung. some tension pneumothorax. i call and call and call. no response. she tells me she was in the hospital overnight, got a needle in her side. (possible chest needle decompression). at this instant im like this is adding up to pretty much fucked up. i google where she supposedly wrecked and there is nothing about an accident on cinco de mayo or on the 6th. nothing. a girl going into a coma would hit the papers. whatever right? she posts a picture on facebook on sunday, not a scratch on her. no stitches on her chin. no abrasions, lacerations, bruises. nothing. its had only been like 8 days. im like wtf. then the whole lung collapse, coma, vital organs shit hits me again and im like she would be there for a week or two at least. i look on her facebook and not one single friend said "hey im praying for you" or anything like that. nothing.
there are more facts but im having a drinking just venting this shit out. but
oh yeah just remembered. she said she got cut out with the jaws of life and a civilian drove her to the hospital. fire fighters would not just hand over a casaulty to a rando driving towards a hospital right?
sorry this is cluster fucked but i dont have the guts to to ask her what the fuck is going on. just said im over it.
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