well if your read your lift ticket or season pass paperwork you will find that most resorts uphold the ability to pull your pass for any reason deemed necessary
for instance i work on park and pipe - we have signs with the rules on them- to replace a broken sign for us costs around 125 dollars- and we go through about 4 a year- and thats park and pipe alone- now imagine the whole damn resort- i will be conservative and say around 1200 a year in new signs- all due to some dumb asses running into the signs on purpose-
and with the economy in a shitter this winter every resort is looking to save money-
so they impose a ridiculous ban- and that makes sure that dumbasses learn real quick be it by story or by personal experience not to fuck with shit that isnt theirs
if i walked into best buy and punched a computer monitor wouldnt you think it be fair that i be kicked out of the store?-
so in conclusion- stop being dumbasses and jibbing signs-