So i got the red rings like 4 months ago and sent my box in for repair, it was in repair for like 2 months and i just got it back. So pretty stoked, had it for like 3 days and today i was playing COD. I grabbed my laptop while playing and since my laptop is connected to my box it kinda yanked it (it didnt fall over or anything). Immediatly it it started makin funny noisy, i just figured i had messed up the fan or something and wasnt suuuper worried. I played for like 3 mintues like that and it froze. So now im worried, i turn it off and take out my disk, its scratched as fuck. So i googled and i guess if you move the box with a disk in that can happen. Soo im mad but i figure i should be able to repair it eventually. Later i was playing skate, same thing, so now my only two games are ruined and i cant use my disk drive.
Spark notes: Basically i wanna know how much leverage i have hear. I feel like they should replace the box and my games. But what i want is a damn cash refund for all of it. What do you think my best option is, whats the best outcome here. I already emailed support and am ready to make some angry phone calls, i just need to know what i should expect to get.