Replying to Avalanche safety/ski safety project.
Hey everyone,
As some of you may know, i am a graphic/interactive designer. I am coming up to my final year at OCAD(design school in toronto) and as part of my last year, I have a one year long thesis project. Basically, I am supposed to pick a topic/problem that I will attempt to solve through out the year by employing any of design/visual communications.
Some examples of thesis projects done by people would be: re branding (redesign of logo, business, packaging, etc.) of a company. A campaign about medical awareness(cancer, alzheimer's desease, etc.), awareness campaigns about natural disasters or distresses in 3d world countries.
Now what I am thinking of researching and creating is an avalanche awareness/educaion website. Fully interactive; exceptionally visual; none of that "reading" that we all hate to do. I am not sure about how im going to go about doing it, but the idea is there. I want to educate myself and others about terrain recognition, safety procedures in case of an avalanche/accident, equipment, etc.
Here are a couple links to websites that have great narrative and visual identity and are at the same time educational. They are my inspiration
Now here's where I need your help. I know there's plenty of park rats out here, however all of us dream about that glorious powder. I am asking you if you know any great books, websites, even videos: from educational to tragic/semi tragic(like abe's friend stuck in snow upside down after dropping a 40 foot cliff). I am myself from the east coast, so I am not very familiar with out of bounds safety. So I am asking you to elaborate on my idea, give feedback, suggestions on which way I should go and suggestions on resources like books, courses, etc. I should look into.
I personally think it could benefit our rapidly growing community.
Thanks in advance,
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