i have a 1985 ford pickup and its been a champ for the past year. Haha so today i was comin out of mcdonalds with my mocha frapacino and opened the door and then realized that my pants are to sagged to lift my leg to get in the truck so i kinda jumped in and i heard this loud cracking squealing eakking noise from the front right end. So i get out and dk if this was the noise i heard but my control arm was like cracked halfway through... soo i didnt know what to do and i just drove it home slow and didnt hit any potholes. Si basicly the control arm is cracked halfway through in the thinnest spot and its mad rusty and not lookin to good. So ns is this thing safe to drive? im supposed to go to a railjam and have alots plans for this weekend so what should i do? i got home today but like whats the chances of this thing breaking? and if it does will i crash bad? halp me out ns im scared and wana have a nice weekend