So me and my friends go to Fifth Element, a local record store owned by Rhymesayers (Atmosphere, Brother Ali, MF DOOM, P.O.S. etc.) and who do we see chillin on the balcony smoking a cig? Slug and Ant. Needless to say I'm wicked pumped and when we get in there they were totally nice and everything just like you'd hope. The guy behind the counter however was a total dick. He's on rhymesayers but I don't know who he is, he had gauges in his ears, he was black, longish hair in a pony tail, and a sick hand tattoo. If anyone knows who he is tell me. But anyway, I ask for 11 tickets but apparently I was on the wrong side of the counter ( it kinda bends like a really wide v i guess) so he tries to make me feel like an idiot by saying "The registers over here man. Can't you tell nothing is over there?" So i was kinda like wtf you could've just said come over here please or just given it to me since i was literally a foot away from where i should have been. But its whatever. I move over and say "11 soundset tickets please" because i didnt know if he had heard me before and he says "Heard ya the first time guy." again i was like wtf but didnt really do anything. I gave him $340 which was everything I had and it turns out i gave him an extra 20 so he tosses it back at me and sighs all annoyed and counts my change. I then go shopping around and buy a t shirt, while my friend tried to buy one but his card got rejected because his check wasnt in yet so the guy says "come one man i dont got time for this" i walk over and give him the couple bucks he needed because he had some cash and continue shopping. by the time i picked out a t shirt, i walk up there and he says "you actually buyin something this time?" and i was like wtf i just gave you like $320. once we were all done i was gonna hang around to talk to atmosphere but the guy was like "you gonna get anything else?" and we said no and he says "alright good see ya later" so we left because he just made it all awkward because he was pissy.
sparknotes" local rapper is a total dick cashier