^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. None of the cities that have really been discussed are "big cities."
The only other ones I can think of besides Santiago are....
Sapporo, Japan - Population 1,900,000
Munich, Germany - Population (1,300,000...so a bit below what you had listed)
I would almost throw San Francisco in there. It is only 800,000 in the city, so obviously nothing compared to the NYC/Sao Paulo/Tokyo/etc big cities, but for its size is very dense and urban.
My top three MEDIUM sized US cities.....
City - 600,000
Metro - 3,400,000
City - 580,000
Metro - 2,150,000
City - 610,000
Metro - 2,500,000
Sorry but SLC (City - 180,000, Metro - 1,100,00) and Reno (City - 220,000, Metro - 975,000) aren't "cities." They are large towns. They arguably have better skiing access than the 3 listed above (with SLC being NO QUESTION the best in the US). But comparing the city living aspect in either of them to any city pushing 600,000 in city population is just not realistic.
In canada, you are obviously looking at Calgary or Vancouver.