Replying to Whats wrong with NS
The more and more i am on this web site, the more and more i see this problem. Its seems like for large amount people in the threads, they would rather try to call someone out, or insult them instead of trying to answer a question or make a real contribution to the web site.
The purpose of this website is so we can share ideas, and have real conversations about real topics. Instead, people are just strait dicks. Were all hear for the same reason. We all love the same thing, so why the hate? Maybe its all the 14 year olds being immature, maybe its a mix of everybody. But its so annoying to see all the hate in the threads.
There is a spot for debate however. Civilized debate is a good thing. It can be constructive, and I do see some of it here. but really guys. shits old.
/end rant
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