Hey guys, I am writing a connect 4 like game for my programming class. I want a decent looking background and I thought the easiest way to do this would be to make an image and have it displayed behind the game.
What I basically want, if someone would please make it for me, is a connect 4 board, looking straight ahead. Basically a yellow square with holes in it, easy, right?
Well, I'm pretty shitty at graphics software and I know you guys can do this in like 2 seconds. +K for any attempts thanks guys!
Heres the tech:
needs to be 700 X 700 pixels. the bottom row (row is 100 pixels) needs to be white (so that I can display text, and it needs to have evenly placed holes (6 rows, 7 columns) sayyy radius of 45 pixels.
Hope that makes sense and someone can help!!
Thanks in advance.