Just recieved my Causwell shipment... and i have to make a thread though my stokage!!
The Jackets and pants are amazing!!! As soon as you touch them you feel quality straight away! They feel solid, waterproof, comfy and warm as hell!!
The sizes are huge!! I have my suits in 2xl, and they both come down to my knees... They fit bigger than the XL saga... They are baggy, but not over kill, more fitted and long... I like it!!!
The hoodies are mad pimp too!!! Attention to detail is epic, wooden buttons etc = legit as hell!!! Once again tall and fitted, comfortable, styley, and screaming quality!!
Right now just chilling in my underlays and again comfy as hell, warm, loose.... so nice, buy these even if you dont wana ski in them, because to just rock these around the house is an experience!!! the top is baller as hell too, never owned a thermal that rocks to my knees!!!!
Causwell quality is far superior to my Saga, or to any brand i have ever worn to think of it, the fabric feels unique and just genuine quality... the fit is nice, comfy, and long...... Attention to detail is amazing, colors are tight, way nice in person than on catalogue... Everything about this gear is legit as hell and im suuuuper amped on it right now!!!
Just wanted to make this thread to convince those stuck for what outwear they want to sway to rocking Causwell... seriously, i have never put anything on that has felt more quality and styley than this!!!!!!
Chur :D