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How messed up can people be
Posts: 2505
Karma: 26
a homeless man in new york was stabbed while helping a woman from an attacker and people walked by him with out calling for help for an hour while he died. how fucked up do you have to be to see a guy bleeding to death and just walk buy. one guy even took a picture of him on his phone instead of calling for help. so fucked up
Posts: 1992
Karma: 39
Posts: 1378
Karma: 22
people are sick. R I P homeless hero.
Posts: 1737
Karma: 46
Some people are so useless. The first thing I thought of when I read your post was the Kitty Genovese case that they talk about at the end. People heard that lady getting raped and killed and screaming for help but nobody did anything because "they didn't want to get involved."
Posts: 5020
Karma: 638
Bystander affect, it happens a lot. It's kinda fucked up.
Posts: 2288
Karma: 22
thats so fucked i hate big citys some times
Posts: 2051
Karma: -32
Search "Ukraine hammer killings"
Three 19 year old's killed aprox. 30 homeless people with hammers,screwdrivers, and various tools. The kids said they did it "To have memories when they were old"
this shit is weak
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
Posts: 913
Karma: 44
There have been studies conducted about how people behave in densely packed urban settings, and most of the time people actually try to remain ignorant for some reason.
Like that time they had a person playing the violin in the subway, and people just ignored him, even though he was world class, perhaps even the best violin player alive, playing on a several million dollar Stradivarius, and playing what is considered to be the hardest and most beautiful violin piece ever.
Posts: 2776
Karma: 28
Makes me glad I live in a semi small town.
Posts: 4931
Karma: 459
Posts: 286
Karma: 12
but after when he was just bleeding on the ground? call an ambulance or something for fucks sake
Posts: 3631
Karma: 27
you clearly didn't read the article. it's not about people not wanting to get involved in something and possibly getting stabbed. the fact of the matter is this homeless dude went above and beyond to HELP someone who was probablyw ay more fortunate than him, and who probably would have never done the same thing for him. he got stabbed as a result (which is what people fear, and in turn ignore situations becasue of) then when he was bleeding out nobody even called an ambulance. they didnt even have to talk to the guy or get stabbed or touch him. they simply had to call a 3 digit number (9-1-1) and say "hey theres a homeless dude bleeding out on this sidewalk here, this is the address... okay, bye"
Posts: 3631
Karma: 27
dub post but i couldnt help to point out again that the homless dude didnt think twice about risking his life for someone he didn't know. and he's fucking homeless, what the fuck should he care? proves the OP's point to a certain extent ( not that i'm saying you'd murder or let someone bleed out) it just goes to show people have no value for human life anymore, this poor ass hobo was willing to save this lady and get stabbed in her place, when i'm sure nobody would have done the same thing for him. it's sad, people are messed up.
Posts: 8587
Karma: 4,095
Where's the bitch who's ass he saved? Ungrateful cunt.
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
nobody cares, nothing you've said is relevant.
Anyways that was Jamaica so its not really that surprising its just a bunch of dumb animals there, half of them probably don't even have cell phones. Its not the same as Manhattan or Brooklyn.
Posts: 2092
Karma: 366
what has the world come to today.
Posts: 2505
Karma: 26
your an idiot dude. were talking about people who just walked past him long after the guy who stabbed him was gone.
Posts: 547
Karma: 90
So wtf did the lady that he saved do? Did she just say, "Thanks, now go bleed to death over there." Why didn't she call the fucking police?
Posts: 1047
Karma: 30
how the fuck do those people sleep at night? sure he is homeless but that is someones son, brother maybe even father.
Posts: 2468
Karma: 483
Posts: 6302
Karma: 357
"People don't give a fuck about men" Chris Rock said it best.
that shits fucked up though.
Posts: 1244
Karma: 52
people from ny are pussies and the worst kind of people. they walk by in their $300 shoes and $600 jeans with their prada reading glasses and have NO SOULS. screw that city
Posts: 3071
Karma: 831
the fuck. why wouldnt you go out of your way to help someone who is fucking dying.
Posts: 12019
Karma: 126
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
this was in the ghetto not soho
Posts: 9006
Karma: 780
Good call dude, fuck helping people, another persons life isn't worth my time.
Posts: 8629
Karma: 606
well, instinct should have you dialing 911 while the attack is in progress, not after...
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
i cant say for sure whether i would have jumped into help the guy or not, but i would have for sure called for some help
Posts: 4944
Karma: 296
Thats a real intelligent post.
Posts: 2505
Karma: 26
i apologize for not caring about my spelling/grammar in a post on ns. wont let it happen again
Posts: 610
Karma: 12
so this on the news some people are such assholes.
Posts: 2505
Karma: 26
just shut up dude. its pretty obvious that nobody cares what your opinion on anything is.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
everything you're saying is still irrelevant and is making you look like a giant pussy. sorry for thinking that.
anyways, how is anyone shocked about this? its fucking NYC. it is filled with the most useless human beings on the planet.
Posts: 2117
Karma: 784
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
RIP A good man who happened to be down on his luck. There's nothing we can do about others, we can only do the best we can and hope they take notice.
Posts: 8
Karma: 13
i bet that homeless man was just a normal person like you and i
Posts: 4944
Karma: 296
yet another intelligent post in this thread.
Posts: 4944
Karma: 296
you want my opinion on the OP? yeah its fucked up. how could anyone walk by a man bleeding on the sidewalk and not call 911.
my point was simply and easily made. you made an ignorant post. because this happened in NYC means the whole city is a waste? you think things like this don't happen in major cities all over the US? How many times have you been here?
next time I see a thread about something related to Idaho ill be sure to say we would all be better off without some redneck trash in this country.
Posts: 1378
Karma: 22
wait, the keys make noises when my fingers hit them. NOWAI...This dude knows shit....(Up two posts.)
Posts: 1378
Karma: 22
I really dont hear this symphony, i just picked up my 5 month clean coin from the meeting i go to. I suppose getting doped up would help me hear shit..but i prefer to live cleanly and beautifully. thanks. 2 years + on cocain and heroin. fuck you.
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
i'm curious to how thats a guarantee
Posts: 4944
Karma: 296
agreed. but its ironic that the majority of people in times square are tourists form other states/countries. most people from NYC avoid Times Square at all costs.
Posts: 700
Karma: 167
hates become far to much of a visitor here... it's sad to know that we will spend our energy fighting over nothing, but aimply won't save someone's life, moreover an honourable life
Posts: 2505
Karma: 26
not sure if the second 2/3 are towards me or not but if so i didnt say anything to generalize the city. i just called the specific people shit heads.
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
we still don't care, still irrelevant
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
hahah oh man I didn't even see this page, what a faggot
Posts: 4944
Karma: 296
none of that post was directed to you.
i stated earlier that i don't know how anyone could walk by a man bleeding on the sidewalk and not call 911. NYC or not.
Posts: 184
Karma: 9
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
you should just beat me up instead, faggot
Posts: 4238
Karma: 412
uhh? thats kind of a dead end question so I'll just call you a faggot again, faggot
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