Hello guys! I hope to get mature responses in this thread because it's about my future!
So to start things off I have applied to study International business in university, and I have my interview with the professors on tuesday. It will most likely be a group type of interview with 3-4 students and maybe 2 professors. Where they basiclly want to hear why I should get into the program.
So if someone could give me some small pointers what I should tell them? What I got this far is,
- Because I think that we as a country should learn as much as possible about business in other countries and it might in the future be very inportant for the countrys survival.... etc.
And that's pretty much all I got! So please if someone could give me some main pointers what I should think about/say. it would be appreciated! BTW I'm 22 and live in Finland and would be studying in Finland if that matters!