whoever started this thread is dumb, i have already gone over this issue a few times on NS.com and im not going to go into it again. you can think what you want but do you know how many people smoke? over half the poulation smokes on a regular basis and about 76% of people have atleast tried it once. now if it is so bad wouldnt you think their would be atleast 1, i repeat 1, recorded death. but look up the facts buddy, not 1 single person has died from the result of marijuana. alcohol is a much worse drug and yet that legal and addicting and everyone who drinks usually ends up getting fucked in life, but oh yeah thats legal. GOD MADE POT, MAN MADE BEER... WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TRUST.
Link Text ...everyone needs to go their and help stop the war on drugs, stop it all.
Some people talk it, some people live it, some people walk it-some people give it... deal with it.
D-Loc AKA Shaky Bones... Original, Unique, and One of a Kind.
land of the free???@#! haha right... free to the power of the people in uniform