So I realize a majority of NS is a younger crowd but anybody with experience or some good ideas, please help me out.
So Ive never been to a bachelor party, come to think of it the last wedding was probably 7 years ago... and Im the best man at a buddy of mine's wedding this summer in MN
So naturally being his best man I have to set up this bachelor party right..So first thing that flashes through any guys mind was STRIPPERS!!
but then he proceeds to tell me that his (15) yr old brother and his Fiance's younger brother (16) have to be able to attend, and "NO STRIPPERS"
So help me out with some creative ideas that are age appropriate for everyone, (about 14 people)
i already got the hookup on a free 14 person limo and i'm on a college kid budget. KKK+ to anybody with some good ideas