Thought I'd add to this thread.
I think what a lot of people (including myself until recently) don't realize is that for some people, skiing is a part of their identity just as much as their name, or their personality. After repeatedly trying to pull myself away from skiing so I can turn my attention to music and school due to repeated pressure from my parents and teachers, I have discovered that it is not possible, and will never happen. As sure as my name is Matt, I am a a skier, and I always will be. Although I may love music, and really want to get a degree from a good university, skiing will always be top on my priority list. Will it clash with everything else I do? Possibly, but that doesn't matter a bit. Skiing is a part of me, and I will continue to do it for the rest of my life. I may be rich, I may be poor as fuck, I may be in some place completely different in the future years, but I will ALWAYS be skiing.
I love it, beyond all other things - my music, my school, my friends - all are dictated based on skiing. University selections? Skiing based. Time spent on weekends? Skiing based. Musical goals? Partly skiing based. Plans for next summer? Skiing based. Part-time job? Used to pay for skiing.
I may not ever be successful in skiing in any way, and I may plunge more money into this stupid, expensive, dangerous, ridiculous sport than I will ever get out of it, but like any real, dedicated skier, I have no choice. It is beyond my control, the best thing I can do is to enjoy it as much as possible, and just ride the wave.