Ron Paul is a Utopian type of politician, unfortunately, Utopias never work. He said he wants to do away with federal income tax. Well, I am not a huge fan of taxes, but guess what, we need them. If he had won, and actually done what he said he did and revoked the "unconstitutional" federal taxes, we would be FUCKED. As democrats and republicans we can disagree about what our taxes should pay for, but as much as we may hate taxes, they are needed. And since i know somebody is going to call me out on this and say I don't know what I am talking about, check this out. I know wikipedia is not the most reliable, but seeing as how this is a very high profile page, the information is cited like crazy.
"Paul believes that the country could abolish the individual income tax by scaling back federal spending to its fiscal year 2000 levels;[75][150] financing government operations would primarily come through the corporate income tax, excise taxes and tariffs. He supports eliminating most federal government agencies, calling them unnecessary bureaucracies. He also advocates gradual elimination of the Federal Reserve System.[152]"
Our economy is hurting for a whole host of reasons, including the failing of some huge companies, but if Ronny was President he would think it is a good idea to
1-Stop taxing individuals (sounds great, but then where would the money come from....)
2.- Instead tax corporations (Yeah, fuck corporations, lets tax them instead......but, hold on, weren't we just throwing money at them like water in a white T-shirt company? Well I suppose we could tax the shit out of them anyways, just put it on their tab of what they owe)
3.- Increase Tariffs- Well, all of the corporations that haven't already done so may move to china to avoid being taxed to shit, but they won't sell their shit here without a tariff. We showed them.
As far as the bailouts go, I was not happy to be seeing our money go to people who spent theirs irresponsibly, and I am outraged with the continued bonuses and such, but as unhappy as I was to see the large corporations bailed out, it needed to happen. I hate how they are conservative in good times and tell the government not to interfere, and then in bad times beg for money from the government. But with all of this dislike I have at the time with the large corporations, I disagree with Paul about taxing them further (at least right now). I would much rather see the multi-billionaire CEO's taxed to shit than their failing companies that hire thousands and, like it or not, are essential to our economy.
Like I said, Paul is a dreamer. It is not hard to be a politician with his policy, you can answer any question with the following: "No mo' Government"; except abortion, that part of the bill of rights is wrong, BUT OTHER THAN THAT, the constitution is the bible, and you take that motherfucker as word for word as if you were a fundamentalist. I will say this though, his ideals of smaller government could be useful, but put into action at the magnitude he suggests, they are crazy. He makes very valid points, it is just a very wrong time for policies like his.