The Tea Party doesn't have my respect because IT DOES in fact have a alarming amount of ignorant Americans
For Example this Facebook Group:
Every discussion asks logical political input and I am stunned to see how many fucking people claim "he's not American or he's not qualified to be President (yet Palin is no question-haha). The way I see it when a solid 50% of your fanbase accuses Obama of being non America becuase his name has Hussain in it or obama kinda rhymes with Osama , then your argument to me becomes worthless. It is FACT that an overwhelming amount of Americans cannot accept a Black Man is in control of our country.
Bush's actions killed thousands of lives because he was deceptive, Obama's choices are costing Americans money. Now the ethical question you have to ask is in the end which REALLY matters more. I have no doubt Obama wants what's best for this country.