In my opinion there is no better binding on the market. There are several reasons for this.
You get more elastic travel forward than any other binding. This means that if you land backwards and want to bite the tips of your skis off your chances of popping out are a lot less than with a traditional Salomon or Marker. It won't eject you as fast.
With the turntable heel you also get sideways release. Most heel's do not release to the side. So you will have a better chance of staying in if you land too far forward in powder or switch etc. but you will still release when twisting. A lot less chance for knee injury. I am not a doctor, but this is just what I have found.
Also, the brakes are built into the heel assembly and not mounted on top of it. There is a lot less chance of ripping your brakes off. they might bend a bit and get tweaked, but should still remain under your foot.
They also just happen to look super cool too!
When it comes to bindings everyone has their own preference. I recommend trying some out and seeing what fits your style best. I would stay away though from the Marker 'free series' though. The twincam is not a great system for freeriding. Too easily ejectable!