First off, I will start by acknowledging that yes Hansel, this is a cool story.
So when i came home from school today my little brother (who was home sick) walks downstairs and says he has something to show me, and he's holding a book in his hand. He then tells me at about noon today a thugged out black man pulls up to our house, stops. My mom sees him and goes out to see who it is, and he proceeds to tell her that his car is overheated so he needs to stop for a little bit. Now normally this wouldn't be all that weird, except i live in the most white suburban family Wisconsin neighborhood you can possibly imagine, so having a G'd up homie pull up to our house is definitely odd. He then proceeds to pull a book that he wrote out of his car that he just 'happened' to have with him and gives it to my mom, hops back in his car and drives off. The book is called "Shaultbodies Thug Bible" by Roosevelt McCray. Amazon link:
Weirdest thing ever, anybody ever heard of him or his book?