I have to say I was more stoked on the filmers last year...
Norway lost both Jon HÃ¥tveit and Filip Christensen, so now the job is left to Andreas Johanessen (http://vimeo.com/10687735) and Kristoffer Fahlgren (whom I have no idea who is).. Not that they are bad filmers, there's just no way they can match Filla and Jon. They're just not at that JOSS level yet.
Also the filmers for Team America seem a bit odd. Josh Knox I suspect is something Jon set up. Not that he isn't good, we´ve all seen that epic skate edit he made with his brother for example, it's just a tiny bit wierd. Then there's AJ Dakoulas, (and I know I'm going to get torched for this) who isn't THAT good. Not saying he hasn't got talent, but he really is no match for Josh Berman or Tyler Hamlet.