Hey so I wanted to thank NS for the lulz, more lulz, some not lulz and above all, the helpful nature of this site.
Yes, there are a lot of punk bitches on this site (I am one from time to time) but the underlying tone is very positive. At least it's a family of punk bitches.
I've hit 1000+ fans on the Fbook, mostly due to the help of NS, and I'm going to give away a print and ship it to someone who posts in this thread as thanks! You don't have to make a meaningful post, you can post Pokemon (because I know you love doing that) or whatever.
I'll give you to thursday @ 8PM MOUNTAIN TIME...not your sister's mothers' friends' time, but Ballerado time.
I am thinking a 11x14 or 12x18
some stickers, and I'll find some random goodies to throw in as well, a movie or two. Or maybe you'll just get coal, rocks and horse on horse action mags. (Just kidding)
I'll take the number of posts, and then randomly generate a number on Excel to pick the winner. You can post first or last, it won't change a thing.
or something I have from my NS pictures
I think that's all the info you need. I bolded things for you ADD/ADHD peeps and linked things for those who hate to copy/past.