So today, when my friend and I, who snowboards, were just bombing a groomer there is this gaper (purple one piece, old ass gogs, old school rear entry boots) who is carving really irradictly, and going all over the place, like from one side of the hill to the other. And so my buddy tries to pass him, just right on the side of the run, and just as my buddy passes him, they almost touch skiis/ board. So at the bottom of the hill, when we are in the lift line, he tangles his poles up in my buddies board, and bindings, and i quote from him, "you little fucking prick, one more smart ass comment and i'll smash you're fucking teeth with his pole." Then he starts goen off about someone getting ski patrol, and him going to loose his pass and shit . BULL SHIT! Anybody else expierienced some gaper rage?
Sorry for the ranting NS, but i was just so rattled about the incident, ineeded to post.