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WTT for jiberish, saga, or other cool stuff!
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
THIS IS JUST FOR TRADING, And i am only going to trade if i get a good deal on some of these Items, I am looking for some Jiberish Jeans and really anything else you might think is an equal trade so post offers in the forum or PM me.
I will have pictures as soon as i can get a hold of a camera that works.
First off i have last years TJ jacket Black and white size Large in great condition.
Next I have a XL Black Ignant Vest worn like maybe 5 times.
Next I have some Large Orage Mens Barney Pants BRAND NEW WITH TAGS.
Next I have some nomis hoodie purple and light blue size xl but the zipper is broken
I will be Adding more stuff as i find it around my house.
Thanks for looking i will have pictures up As soon as possible.
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Actually Post offers in here because i just got a ton of interest on my vest. So ill pm you back when i see your offer in here. Thanks
Posts: 4647
Karma: 134
check my sale for trade for the vest
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Wow i found my camera took pictures and now i cant find the cord to put them up.
Posts: 1794
Karma: 265
haha, i know exactly what your going through man, it happens to me all the time.
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Yeah it sucks i am going to need to find a different camera soon. But im going to work keep the offers coming ill check them when i get back
Posts: 5215
Karma: 1,677
xl bird is the word for ignant? gunna need pics though
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Bumppp at work.. Gonna try and get pictures up tonight!
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Also for trade are some black with ruby lens frogskins.
Posts: 517
Karma: 144
interested in the vest, pm'ed.
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Answering PMS right now. a ton of interest in the vest. Keep the offers coming. Pictures will be up tomorrow once i find that damn cord.
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Posts: 386
Karma: 15
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
+KKK for bumps. Trade pending for ignant so if you want it shoot me some offers.
Posts: 679
Karma: 25
Posts: 2790
Karma: 629
Posts: 103
Karma: 21
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