brighton is lowering their season pass price for next season. and with the whole issue of not building jumps till late in the season, these guys get real mad. all they want is park, so go to canyons or pc. brighton isnt known for having a great park. they are more known for the big mountain riding, powder, and easy back country access. dont get me wrong, park is fun and all. but i would rather go ride something else, explore a little, find new places. riding park is for the most part, the same run over and over again. to me, gets kinda boring. no hate on park riding what so ever. it just doesnt make sense to me, if you want park, go to a resort that is known for making a bad ass park. dont go to a resort known for powder. plus i bet these bitches dont even know the reason why brighton didnt build jumps for a good amount of the season. no hate on park riding, just hate on the people who bitch and complain. haha and plus, check out the 5th comment down...