Yoo ns!
Im in a film contest this weekend with a crew of pals. Its called the fifty hour film contest, so we only have 50 hours to plan film and edit the whole thing following the prompt that was just posted at 3 oclock.
we're going to start editing what we've shot so far tonight and heres the catch, for any of the music we use we need the permission of the creator (composer? haha). If anyone has any instrumentals of any genre or just anything they've made that we can use, PLEASE LET US KNOW!
I thought we could use the freeplaymusic.com site but I looked into it and im pretty sure you still have to acquire the rights of them.
so please, whoever has some beats theyve made or can whip some up, let me know!
mad kurrrrma to any help
I'll post our edit when we're done