Replying to Hey Dana Walsh...FUCK YOU
godammit she is singlehandedly making me want to beat a baby with a curling iron for these reasons:
-i cannot tell what she looks like, but it is really not pleasant and i want to kill it with fire
-she takes away precious moments of Jack fucking shit up. i'm sitting there like "okay, i could watch him snap somebody's neck with his legs, or i could watch dana walsh cry on the phone"
-she has the lips of a burmese python
-her side story adds NOTHING to the overall plot of MUCH MORE SERIOUS SHIT
-i do not care that she killed someone, now she's responsible for the deaths of 2 more people...way to go you pucker faced whore
-she's really good at her job...OH WAIT, she never shows up and gets replaced by the person who joined a week ago
-her presence gives that cheesy little fuck Arlo even more lame lines that generally detract from the advancements of the human race
-her fiancee is the reason why i hate yankee fans
so dana, get some fire-based plastic surgery to help cure the horrors in the creases of your face, kill the goddam asshole who keeps asking you questions, quit your job, and become a stripper so other people have to suffer from your presence as opposed to precious viewers
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