It makes me think that the Federal Government at least is fucked, and I guess as a citizen of the United States I'm fucked to, which to me is bullshit because I've never received a penny of Medicaid Medicare or SS money (though I have paid thousands in FICA taxes to support these programs). I have also never voted for a candidate who promotes war or high defense spending (another huge factor in our debt) nor have I received any real direct benefit of much of our national security spending. The only positive role the federal government has played in my life has been the EPA attempting to protect the environment around me, the department of interior preserving open space and a few other services provided by agencies that I'm leaving out. Regardless the agencies I just mentioned only represent a tiny fraction of the federal budget. I feel totally violated that the Feds are borrowing money in my name without my support (I don't vote for warmonger's) to do things that I find despicable, it would be bad enough if it were just my tax dollars going towards it but it's more than that it's a future obligation of mine to pay off part of that debt as an American Taxpayer.
besides all of that how are we as a country going to pay off this debt or at least stop it's rapid expansion. It seems politically impossible since voters want money from the government in the form of social programs (like Medicare and SS which people have been paying into their whole lives) and want to continue to fight wars overseas and they are not willing to raise taxes in order to pay for them.
in short the national debt is expanding at a break neck spead and doesn't even include other obligations of the Fed like Social Security, how the hell are we supposed to get it under control before we can't pay for anything besides interest on the debt?