I searchbar'd food and didn't find what i was talking about.
So here is one i have made when i cant sleep and seems to work:
Fill a cup with 1/4 of the way with coffe mate french vanilla creamer
Fill the rest with 2% milk.
Put in the microwave for say 30-45 seconds (that's for my micro wave (basically until its warm))
Make sure to stir
Let it cool if needed (should still be enjoyed warm)
Then when I get home from school a good one is this:
Spread a tortilla with butter
dump cinnamon sugar over the butter
cook on the stove top, as to where the butter melts
optional: slice up some banana and put it on
fold up like a burrito and consume
(You could put the banana slices on before you cook so they are warm but I have never have tried that.)
Another good one is:
Sour Dough Bread + Tomato Sauce + Shredded Cheese = Deliciousness
( ^ don't know how to spell parmisaun)