So this past weekend, me and a friend are just cruising through town in my suv. I'm making a left turn at this light and as soon as I start to turn, blam this bitch comes flying through the intersection, runs the red light and hits me. It hit the drivers side rear wheel and fender, and spun me around pretty good. (This also happened right it front of a police car and ambulance, both of which just drove past and looked the other way) No one was hurt, but I had to tow my car and she was still able to drive her car away, with a ticket of course.
Now here is where it gets shitty: I call her insurance company, give them all the info, and file a claim. They file it and call me back today, only to tell me that her policy was cancelled in February...fuck.
So now I'm stuck without a car (I have to borrow one), and without the means to get it paid for (I'm not filing a claim with my insurance, no way in hell my rates are gonna go up for this bitch), and probably have a lawsuit on my hands now.
Cool story, I know, but I'm raging mad right now. Anyone with similar stories? What should I do next? discuss