I need money! Paypal only please. First off, my lizzies. '09's, mounted 3 times for a 317BSL with Look P10 bindings...they are currently center mounted. The topsheets have the usual wear and tear, nothing terrible. The bases/edges are in real good condition, and they are currently in the shop getting a base grind and edge sharpen. $330 Shipped within the US.
Next, Jiberish Sunday's Best track jacket. Size medium, but it fits the same as my large creeper hoody. The cuffs are a little stained with dirt, and there is one rail stain/burn on the left sleeve (2nd pic), but it's not extremely noticeable. Overall condition, about 7/10. $40 shipped OBO
Jiberish 2XL Tee. Condition 10/10. $25 shipped OBO
Last, Size Large limited edition EDIAS tee. Condition 10/10 Best offer takes it.
Thanks for looking!