IThis is actually my first year skiing since.... Grade 3 (I'm Grade 9 now) I was pretty shitty back then, but I got into skiing this year and I'm doing great, I can hit everything my mountain has to offer (from Greens to Double Black Diamonds), steeps to flats, drops to jumps, trees to groomers.
I decided to go towards park skiing to "up" my skiing skills and I've been doing fairly well in park.
It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago when I noticed how back my mount was.
INFO: I bought these skis off my friend so I could start skiing again
I'm not good at measuring ski stuff but this is what I got:
1) I measured from the center of my current mount to the tip of the ski
2) I then took that length and compared it from the center of my current mount to the tail of the ski.
3) The tail measurement was approx 4 1/2 inches short to equal with the tip measurement.
I'm guessing that means that my ski mount is fairly back.
I'm very curious to know if that if my ski is center mounted, how would it affect my park skiing?
I'm a decent park skiier right now but would my skills on the rails and jumps increase or become easier if my ski was more center mounted?
Thanks for your help guys +K