Not sure how much interest there will be for this, but I'll give it a shot, I bet there are backpackers on here.
Up for grabs is a snowpeak stove, the model is teh gigapower ti (titanium) with a piezoelectric ignition so you dont even need to bring a lighter or matches. This thing is ultra light for backpacking trips and works flawlessly. I had this stove with me for over 2000 miles ont eh appalachian trail and NEVER had a single problem with it, and I used it 2 or more times a day, every day for 6 months, and it still works the way ti did when I bought it I think it weighs like 3 ounces or something ridic light.puts out 10k BTU's and boils a cup of water in like 2 minutes or something really fast, but also simmers like a champ if you want it to.
I will also include a 250g canister (80% full), a windscreen a GSI pot (not titanium, but really nice nonetheless, not sure of model name) that it all stows away in and a light my fire sporkfoonnife thing. Basically everything you would need if you want to get into backpacking and need a stove. This is one of the best ones money can buy, and I love this thing. I'm sure you will too. Go to the snowpeak website if you want a little more information on the stove, heres a link, like I said its the titanium model, with the auto start and windscreen included, so basically all the bells and whistles. These things retail around 75 dollars I think, and I am asking $50+ ship for EVERYTHING. Stove, cookpot, fuel canister, windscreen, and eating utensil. You supply the food and you'll be good to go. I took the pics with my webcam so here is a stock image so you can see what it looks like a little better.
BLOWTORCH MODE, look it actually works, right before it lit my house on fire!
everything stowed away together, canister fits perfectly in cookpot when not in use