Since last year I had these skis. Theyre the first ones Im not just having taken care of entirely by the shop.
Last year I only got in one week, and after that I didnt wax my skis before I put them away in my room. I took them out last week and waxed them before we left, but didnt scrape them thinking any additional protection is good to have, i suppose, even though a thin layer of wax really wont do shit. So I arrived, scraped them, went skiing for two days and on the 2nd day they already felt slow as shit. Any flat part is a true bitch, and the bases look dull and dry. So I waxed them again the day before yesterday, after letting them dry for a couple hours and going over the bases with a cloth so they werent humid when I did the waxing. By the end of yesterday they felt reasonably fine, but today it was the same thing: really slow.
I think I do an ok job on the waxing, the wax itself isnt cheap as fuck (12 euro for a fairly small block of wax, 0 to -4 degrees celsius, but I cant imagine the wax temp being the cause really)
Last year I didnt do any proper skiing as I was with friends who'd never ski'd before so I was spending all of my time with them, this year I'm taking a course to work on my technique so we're doing some more intensive alpine skiing (no park as its a full day of skiing).
so I'm just wondering...
Am I doing something wrong? Is this just the way it is with non-race bases (I presume the anthems dont have racebases anyway, id be surprised if they did) and do I need to suck it up? Do I have the wrong wax after all?