If you're looking for a specific pow ski that is also fun on groomers, look no further. Although you can't get crazy out of the pow, they are still a solid rider outside of the waist deep.
Moment is legit. The Donner Party is legit.
Moment is legit. The Donner Party is legit.
This ski is AMAZING in powder. You can direct it where you want to go for some moderate charging, but it's best when you slide your turns around. The water ski shape makes it want to turn like a water ski would in a fluid.
It performs surprisingly well on groomers for being 140 underfoot. Your feet will tend to split apart due to the reverse sidecut, but once you learn to tame them, they are a breeze.
It performs surprisingly well on groomers for being 140 underfoot. Your feet will tend to split apart due to the reverse sidecut, but once you learn to tame them, they are a breeze.
I love the topsheet graphics on these things. Many people find them gross and sometimes offensive, but it's just different.
Sidecut is 135-140-130.
Sidecut is 135-140-130.
I got an awesome deal on these. $375 brand new and straight from Moment. They go on sale at the end of the season if Moment has extra pairs. Worth it to go check it out.
The new ski is also a pretty good value: $725 or $675 from Evogear.
The new ski is also a pretty good value: $725 or $675 from Evogear.
Well, I didn't have much of a choice on what size, because it only comes in a 186. However, this is the exact size I would have bought anyway. Effortless in powder, and I am able to steer it through the trees very easily.
I am 5'11" 160lbs.
I am 5'11" 160lbs.
This ski is softer towards the tip and tail, with the tip being only slightly softer. It's stiffer under foot, which makes it great for a good base on pow landings.

These things have held up pretty well. The only base problem I have had was when I rode them when there wasn't quite enough coverage and I caught a rock on a landing. From the hit I felt, and what the base looked like afterward, these things hold up amazingly. Just a scratch and some wrinkles as a consequence as base material being pushed back. Very easy fix.