Yeah it aint too bad. I traveled the world, went skiing a lot, shared beds with many beautiful women, held a variety of interesting jobs in a couple different cities, got quite good at guitar, read a lot of books and meditated among other things.
Now I have a kickass office job reviewing airsoft guns (which I'm actually posting from right now) and with my couple years of experience in marketing/writing I'm 1000x more useful in the industry than any random college kid. The year or so of college I did bother with got me an internship though, then i used the internship to get a job, then that job to get another job, etc. But yeah, college is a waste of time. I wish I had just not gone, could have been set up with my own job and apartment at 18 instead of having to wait till I was 22. Plus other than 1 photography class and 1 journalism class i legitimately didn't learn shit the entire time I spent there. And honestly even the journalism class only taught me things I could have learned by reading the Associated Press Style Guide.