Thanks to Brian from Colorado ski shop for the ride up, I got to demo out some pretty awesome 2010 and even some 2011 skis at Stratton.Some skis i got to ride included the 2011 volkl Alley,2010 Line Afterbang,2010 Line mastermind,2011 Rossignol s3.I did not get to do much freestyle since demo skis are not supposed to go into the park but i still got a good feel for the skis just riding around.
To start my favorite ski was the volkl alley it was very light,had a good medium flex,and the width was perfect,it could still float well in powder but it was not to wide to handle
Afterbang:like everybody says it was an awesome ski,it was a little big on me but still fun to play around on and super buttery.The only con I can think of was it felt very slow since the bases are not as high quality.
Mastermind:super light and buttery but not as much as the A-bangs.Very smooth turns.
Rossignol s3:This ski was awesome it floated well and the rockered tips and tail was a different feeling for me that I would say i enjoyed.They also were good on groomers.The 90+ mm waist helped the ski float and have super smooth turns.
I also tried out another Volkl but I am not sure about the name,it was similiar to the alley.
If anyone has any questions about these skis just ask me.I am not sure about the demensions of the skis but i will try my best to tell you if you would like to know