No homo on the "i give you wood"
So yesterday i was randomly inspired to build a jib, i live in an area thats being newly developed where the construction workers love to throw out perfectly good pieces off wood. I drove around for 30 min, which was all the time i had, and this is what i got (all out of dumpsters)
( 2x4's, left to right)
- 1.8 ft
- 1.8 ft
- 2.08 ft
- 2.16 ft
- 2.16 ft
- 2.6 ft
- 3ft
- 3.5 ft
- 4.16 ft
- 4.3 ft
- 7.8ft
- 2 , 3.5ft 1x4's
- 1 , 6.6ft PVC pipe (once cut pased cracks)
- 1 , 6.8ft PVC pipe (once cut passed cracks)
Now as for these next two pieces, im pretty sure they are decking lumber and im not sure of the technical term but i measured and it is 1"x 5 1/3 ". Heres a pic compared to a 2x4, maybe someone can enlighten me.
Now for the big question, what should i build with all this material? I origionally wanted to make a simple 10ft rail using the tutorial that is stickied, but i could not find a 10ft piece of 2x4.
Instead i was thinking i could use my 7.8ft and 4.3ft 2x4's, cut them, nail them together to make a 12 ft piece, then cut both pvc's down to 6ft so i could have a 12ft piece when put together then make a 12ft rail.
thats really my only idea now, that or make two 6ft rails but im not sure if i have a sufficient amount of material.
post your idea's!