My friend and I won and split $10,000 on pokerstars (1st place in $11R tourney)
I've had sex.
I've helped my friend steal a shit load of plants from a guy who robbed him
I have repelled, but nothing near the size of a skyscraper
On another note, I took 7 AP courses in HS, Currently an undergraduate Mechanical Engineer. Helped my dad start an engineering company that is growing rapidly and has a lot of potential. I have designed parts that go on telescopes and satellites. None of this was given to me, I worked for it all, and I have so far managed to pay off a substantial amount of tuition on my own, my parents help with little of it. I am still not content with my life and have my own issues, but I am striving to be more appreciative of what I have accomplished and this thread is a much needed refreshment.