Spark notes: for about a month I have been working on an indie film with this director. He told me he would pay me $20/hour. I signed a contract and logged my hours. He paid me $200 up front, and est 100 hours of work. However while editing it was shoot very poorly and last week decided to reshoot it. I asked him for some money because I was in need. He told me that he wasn't going to pay for this because he is reshooting and that he will pay me for the next one. He said I can use this as a "school project" and talk to my teachers and get an A... too bad it doesnt work that way. I so far have logged 65hrs in this. What should I do?
-I never got a copy of the contract, so that is pointless, I guess
-I gave him he scene (33) compressed to check out, but never the full copy
-I'm going to talk to my teacher for help on Tuesday
-He wants me to work on the next one, but if he screwed me on this, he can screw me on the next one
Any ideas/tips?