Well as I'm sure you've all seen voting for Joss is open.. I've seen the massive thread on who you'd each pick and theres a lot of guys in with a shout. Over the last couple of years I've been on NS there has been much talk of style and creativity being the equal of technical tricks in the eyes of this population.. This contest is the first big test of whether this holds up when asked to vote between them..
While there are many many edits that are ridiculous in terms of the technical skill.. a few stand out (to me) in terms of creativity and/or style..
My team NS would be:
Corey V
Oskari Raitanen/Matt Walker
The specific people I'd pick however, aren't really relevant to my point. None of them had a double in their edit, but thats not what Team NS is about. My hope is that NS will pick a team that Jon would never have picked and one that makes an edit completely different to all the others. I won't hold my breath though.
Disclaimer LJ kills it and does deserve to go as does Bobby B. Honestly though Jon should have invited Bobby anyway and LJ should be the Am for Team USA/America. Plus i think they fit the standard team mould and team NS should be different (and actually represent how more of us on NS like to ski). Yes its a big air contest but those guys have the skills. Lolo had no problems last year, Matt Walker killed at X, C-Van Nose Butter 9'd a city big air and Oskari.. well his urban was as good as anything Level 1 showed us this year, I've seen more footage of him on jumps and the dude kills it..
So basically my question to NS is: Is our team going to be different, make a different edit from the others or will it try and beat Jon's picks at their own game?