Well, my old Xwaves are just not cutting it anymore, they destory circulation, give terrible shin bang, and simply destroy my foot every time I use them. Because of this I went to the bootfitter to try to fix them. Unfortunately, they are no better than they used to be. He decided that I had a foot that was a better fit with full tilts and dalbellos. Now it's time to pick up a new pair of boots, and I would appreciate some help with my decision.
I am looking at 2009 Dalbello Rampages. They would cost me just under $300 brand new.
The other option is some used 2008 Rampages. They would end up being about $100.
here are pictures of their condition:
What do you guys think I should do? So do the used ones seem to have good enough soles that I could buy them and use the extra money to get intuition liners? Or should I simply buy new ones? If you were me, what would you do?