so the amassadors at the loaf never seem to be a problem and i always fly past them on my way to the park or racing my friends until last weekend. I was cruising down wiffletree going back to the condo with my 2 friends and all of a sudden we are being screamed at and pulled over by this ambasador apparently named susan. well she told us we were to fast (which although we were going a deceant speed it was not fast and there was no one around us so we were not doing anything dangerous) and clipped the corner of our passes so next time we get them taken which is bullshit because who gave them the athourity to take a $400 pass based on there opinion of "to fast" but anyway we stopped at the wiffletree park for shits and gigs and this group of about 8 kids there say they just had their passes clipped by the same lady.
well anyway end of my rant but now i am worried to go on those slow trails because i dont want to lose my pass, and you all have to admit a run hauling ass down tote is always fun.
feel free to share any of your stories!