regarding all the controversy regarding the notorious switch Kangaroo flip, i have recently observed that the momentum for a switch flatspin (the so-called ''weak link'' of the trick, redering it theoretically impossible to those who think it physically unfeasible) is NOT WRONG! (<-major NS breakthrough right here) How, you may ask, did i observe this? simple! the answer lies within Jon Olsson's relatively new trick; the Tornado. For the everyday person; the Tornado is a sw cork 7 to flat 5. but thats where it gets interesting! any NSer can deduce that a SW cork 7 to flat 5 involves two rotations off-axis (for the sw cork7) thereby bringing Jon back to a Backwards position when he commences his flat5, thereby rendering the trick a sw cork7 to SW FLATSPIN 5! <-u see that? SW FLAT 5! the legends are true, the switch flatspin is possible, raising the question; ''Are sw DOUBLE flatspins possible?'' i say maybe, but well have to see. dont believe me? heres PROOF (at 1:18)