What up NS
Here's the deal. My brother, myself, and my friend will be going to Jay Peak this Saturday (February 20th). None of us have ever been there.
We'll be filming for our yearly movie, and we'll be using our new helmet cam mainly, and probably our regular cam too. We're very stoked.
However, I've heard a lot about Jay Peak, and the pow stash's aren't just there for any day-goer to find, you have to be a local to really know where the great ones are.
If any local is going to Jay on Saturday and could help us out and ski with us, that would be supreme. PM me and we can work out some type of "thank-you": maybe a good lunch on us & our DVD at the end & some stickers, idk.
If all goes well, we'll probably make it a once a year thing, so there's no need to worry about your secret spots being taken advantage of.
And also, we're really easy to get along with and we enjoy riding with everyone, my friend and I are 18 and brother is 16.