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the one who layed the eggs that came out a leadlaer. its a prophecy. nick stewart was born an eggman. he was on a journey to find the other eggs men. cream cheese. these eggs needed to have certain voice skills in there voice boxes to define a tru leedaler. q. the eggs were ceparated at birth by evil mormans. finally the leadlaers fownd eechother and went to the green store.
[2/17/10 7:07:58 AM] garrett green: later, dillon (aka milkman) ran into the holy god of one-eyed eggs and was able to snap a shot of him before his disareadispeerd. eggs. then came a nice girl from texas. we scared her back to the place where she belongs. later, the eggs went on a journey with a special bird. this bird, was infact, a bird. we found out he, too WAS A LEADALER
[2/17/10 7:08:32 AM] garrett green: bird was a new part of our leedaling pack. leadlaer then went to school and got so many tootses he was forced to go into bipolar depression at the north pole. leedaler was sad, alone, and cold. eggs. but our sweet got eggsamillion.saved nicks life.
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