Please read this before you bash me and -Karma me.
Yes I am Canadian and I fucken love hockey and watching Canada dominate on the world stage(when they do.. haha). However, I personally don't think Women's hockey should be in the Olympics. Why? because there is simply no competition outside of Canada and the USA. Just look at the Canada Slovakia game last night... 18-0 and 67-9 in shots. Wait till today when USA plays China, I wouldn't be surprised if the US tops that. We can throw Sweden into the mix of being a good team, but lets be real, they are no where near as good at Canada and the USA. I am not against women's sports or anything, but don't you think it would be a better idea to scrap it from the Olympics and find a better way to develop the game worldwide so there is actually a level playing field?
I can go on, but what do you guys think?